2. Tell us about yourself!
Send a video about some important aspects of your profile: Tell us about yourself! (You also can send it by Whatsapp (+34) 677 51 06 44 ) We’ll indicate you some instructions to do it.
2. Interview and language test
The IME Recruitment team invites you to an online interview where we will advise you on the training that best suits your needs and expectations. In addition, we carry out a brief English level test to fully identify your professional skills.
3. Result
Our Admissions Committee is in charge of the decision taking. They will examine the tests done and come to a decision. If you are admitted, you will receive an email with the official admission communication together with the following steps to book a place with us.
4. Pre-enrollment Process
We will send you a link where you can fulfill all data, upload the necessary documents, and do the payment of the pre-enrolment fee (960€). Once this is done, the process is completed. Welcome to IME Business School!